8560 Vineyard Avenue Ste. 310
Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
Phone (909) 987-5533
There are many ways to invest in God's kingdom through ministries at Lifepoint. As a body with many parts, we offer opportunities for people with varying gifts and talents. Whether you choose to serve on Sunday morning or during the week, inside the church or in the community, by teaching or by getting your hands dirty, there is always a way to participate in what God is doing through His church.

A great first impression means a great deal for the identity of a church. We are always looking for greeters/ushers to fill the purpose of making that impression on visitors and Lifepointers alike, and to collect our tithes and offerings. If you would like to volunteer, contact Marvin Braunwalder.

Setup/Tear Down
Sunday service requires a lot of help from our wonderful volunteers! If you are a hands-on person that loves to make things happen, contact Marvin Braunwalder to become part of the setup/tear down team.

We believe that using God's gifts of creativity in church is a vital part of the worship experience. Whether you are technically-minded and serve as a sound engineer, or a media/lighting tech, or prefer the artistic crafts of singing, dancing, acting or playing an instrument, we have a place for you! If you would like to get involved, contact Kevin Johnston

Life Groups
Life Groups are vital part of who we are at Lifepoint.

Soul Food/Food Pantry
When it comes to providing meals to those in need, Lifepoint has many opportunities to be involved in serving. We have a food pantry, Soul Food in San Bernardino and the Soul Food breakfast at church every first Sunday morning. To learn more, contact Bernie Braunwalder.

Who doesn't love to walk into a nice, clean church! We have a strong team of volunteers that come in to maintain different areas of the church at different times.

We believe that prayer is one of the most useful tools we have as believers. If you would like to serve our church and community as a prayer warrior, we have opportunities on Sunday morning, Wednesday night, and as a member of the prayer chain. Contact Bernie Braunwalder for more information.

Men's/Women's Ministry
Men and women are designed with different needs and different desires. To celebrate our differences and to help each other cope with life's different challenges we offer meetings for each gender group.

Sonshine Gardens/Youth
Our children are the most precious assets on this earth! We take the investment in our kids very seriously. To serve as a teacher, contact Michael Martinez.