8560 Vineyard Avenue Ste. 310
Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
Phone (909) 987-5533
Men's and Women's Groups
We believe that small groups are vital to spiritual health, and that a constant barrage of specific ministries tends to cloud the focus of a church. For this reason we focus on Lifegroups that embrace our differences rather than segregating our ministries. However, we feel that the gender of a person is an exception to that rule. Whether we like it or not, men and women deal with very different issues that the opposite sex may not understand or be comfortable discussing. For this reason, we also offer groups that help men and women become the people that God wants them to be.

Men's Study
The Lifepoint men meet on the last Saturday of each month at 8:00am on the sanctuary. The meetings are discussion-oriented and designed to specifically offer encouragement and accountability to the men in the church. For more information, contact Dennis Dragotto.

Women's Study
The Lifepoint women meet every Monday at 7:00pm in Alta Loma at alternating houses. The women meet in a similar way to a Lifegroup, and the study style is always fun and interesting. For more information, contact Tina Braunwalder.